
Friday 27 April 2012

Getting Stuck In Part 2

I can't quite believe it's Friday again already!

I promised to tell you something today!

It's not a big thing at all really.

But I've entered my Welcome Wallhanging into the Quilting Bloggers Weekly Themed Quilting Contest!

This week's theme is 'Wallhangings'. I'm not at all expecting to win (there are some truely fabulous wallhangings entered), I just fancied being a part of something fun.   If you want to, you can pop on over to QB and vote for your favourites.

And if you fancy having a go at making a Welcome Wallhanging yourself, the pattern is available in my Etsy Shop.

I am hoping that while I am at work this morning, my orange zips will arrive, and fit through my letter box (please don't leave me a red card Mr Postie!).

I have a busy weekend ahead. 

Friends coming over tonight for food (don't panic Susan - it will be take-out!); breakfast duty in the morning (I meet up once a month at a coffee shop with friends for brekkie), Bee Blessed duty in the afternoon, Family movie night (with ice-cream!), church on Sunday and somewhere in there, a trip to IKEA to help my daughter get a giant sized frame for her GCSE art work!


Anyone got any red bull!

Have a brilliant weekend, whatever you get up to!


  1. Busy but fun weekend ahead! Enjoy. Di xo

  2. I really like this wall hanging so I voted for you!

  3. Sounds like a brilliant weekend - am popping over to vote for you.

  4. oh wow so busy I too will vote for you of course! take out sounds fab!

  5. Enjoy your mad busy weekend. I'll have to vote when I get home because of the 'fun filter' in here ;o)

  6. You've always got my vote :-) Have fun, and take out?? really?? Oooh trip to Ikea... next person that tells me that's getting a shopping list!

  7. Sounds like you're going to need more than one can of red bull this weekend! I've voted -your wall hanging is lovely. I'm going to Dublin tomorrow to watch Ulster rugby - can't wait!

  8. We have guests tomorrow. I just made the desert and it is perfect for you to make. I will post about it next week I think and I guarantee you will think it is something you can do with one hand tied behind your back. Off to do some voting on wall hangings now.

  9. I am off to vote, good luck! And the weekend sounds action packed, and fun I hope.

  10. Sounds like you have a great plan!
    You have my vote xxx

  11. I've voted! Enjoy your busy weekend too!

  12. Voting taken care of. Hope you get a wee time to put your feet up in there somewhere too.

  13. Good luck! (Yes, I voted!!) Have a lovely (if busy!) weekend - don't forget to get some time just for you!!

  14. voted for you!
    Sounds like a very fun weekend! Enjoy :)


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