
Monday 30 April 2012

Converging Corners

Here is the block we will be making in May for Bee Blessed:

These are the converging corners blocks by Film in the Fridge, the tutorial for which is here.

Ashley makes some truely amazing quilts. If you have time, look around her wonderful blog & shop - I dare you not to be inspired!

For Bee Blessed our only requirements are for white 'negative' space, and the blocks to be 12.5" unfinished.

Feel free to mix colours within the one block, or to colour code them as I have done above.

I love the effect you get when several of the blocks are put together:

There is a wee element of improv. piecing in this block, which gives you loads of flexibility in using up different sizes of coloured scraps.

We hope you enjoy making converging corners with us in May.

Thanking you in advance of your support!


  1. What an interesting block! I really like the new twist on a trad pattern.

  2. Looks like a great block. Hopefully life and me won't be so busy so I can join in again!

  3. Improv - suits me! And looks pretty too!

  4. love this and like the sound of improv i should be giving this a try!

  5. Great block! My log cabins are seriousy wonky though...and not on purpose...

  6. I think you will have wonderful quilts with these blocks. I will make you some for sure.

  7. Pretty! I've only tried one log cabin and it was not good so hopefully I'll do better this time! I'm sure the great tutorial will help :)

  8. Fabulous!
    Ashley's was the first quilting blog I ever followed!

  9. Just had to come back from FITF - doesn't this make a super quilt!

  10. I loved Ashley's tutorial, it's on my to do list. Somewhere. But it's on there really, probably for round about the 5th of never...

  11. Ooh, I love those blocks! I was so tempted to do a version for my month in the Brit Bee. Maybe next time...

  12. FITF converging corners! Woot! Improv.....ooh er!!!!!!! Gotta try tho', yep gotta give it a go ;-) lol.


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