
Tuesday 13 March 2012

Thumbs are very useful things!

Aren't thumbs just the best invention ever (apart from the Pfaff sewing machine of course!).

You just don't realise how important they are until you can't use one!

All I'm going to say is that a newly sharpened vegetable knife & a potato conspired against me!
Especially when trying to tackle something as fiddly and annoying as Cathedral Windows!!

Now I know what you're thinking: 'that looks ok ... all those points are meeting up ... can't have been that bad!'  Right?


This is one of only 3 that is meeting up in the way that it should. Here is the full panel of windows, which will now be turned into a rectangular cushion (rather than a square one which required a lot more windows - please no more!)

Please don't look too closely, some of the points are horrifically off!  So, no surprise, the new design will also be involving buttons!

I've still the other half windows to finish and then to magically turn it into a cushion for mum. 

Isn't it fortunate that I've a poorly thumb to blame on my rubbish windows!!!

Hope you've had a knife free day!


  1. Even if the points don't match up as they should (although I can't actually see that anyway) it's going to make a beautiful cushion! Hope the thumb gets better soon - pesky potatoes!

  2. Ouch! But boy, those windows are beautiful!

  3. It's going to be a lovely cushion! Cathedral Windows look a little scary to make. And I'm so sorry to hear about your knife accident. Hope your thumb heals quickly.

  4. These look beautiful. I'm still too scared to do Cathedral windows as it looks like something I'd really mess up lol Hope your thumb is better soon - and you need to delegate veg peeling in future ;-)

  5. I just finished a little cathedral window pincushion - one window was more than enough and I found a big button to hide the very imperfect centre! The great thing is that there is something so striking about the overall design that they seem to look good no matter what! Your fabric is lovely - the cushion will be a thing of beauty.

  6. Ouch I hope its better soon! The windows look great! No one will be inspecting your points! :)

  7. The cathedral window points may not be perfect but don't beat yourself up about them. Your Mum will love it because you made it. I hope your thumb heals quickly. I bet it hurts! Di xo

  8. I am pretty sure that the buttons will one add to the pattern, I thought they were mandatory as no real person can manage these blocks consistently but maybe I am wrong. I hope your thumb is better soon! And it looks like you had a fun time with the bee blessed group.

  9. Judith I don't get it, I am a follower here but you don't appear in my reader at all. Why?!

  10. Love the CW and I couldn't see any duff points :)

  11. I hope your thumb's getting better! The cathedral windows are looking gorgeous too :)
    I hate blogger! I can't 'manage' my blogs to change your blog address - it calls you 'Just Jude' but it's still the rags to bags address :(

  12. It looks great, even with the (apparently) not meeting points - they look fine from here!! I hope your thumb heals quickly so you can sew on the buttons, etc. without risking getting blood on the fabric!! Oh, and I love the fussy cut centres!

  13. love your cathedral windows: I had to cover my points up as well when I did my cushion cover: you have to be soooo precise otherwise!!

  14. Oh poor you - the windows look great from here, some fabric covered buttons and you will be sorted - well done in your handicapped state xxx

  15. Ouch! Are you OK?
    Your windows are just spectacular. Beautiful.


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