
Thursday 22 March 2012

Things that make you go 'Mmm'

It's been a funny old week.  I had a bit of a shock on Sunday (in a nice way!), which took me 3 days to recover from (more on that later)!

Then Monday felt like a Saturday, cos the kids were off school for the St.Patrick's Bank Holiday.

I met mum for coffee on Tuesday, and gave her the Cathedral Windows cushion.  The word she used was 'exquisite' so I'd say that went down well!

Yesterday I actually managed to get some sewing done, and then last night it was my daughter's school Spring Concert in the Ulster Hall.

It was a fabulous evening, with nearly 300 kids showcasing their musical talents in this awesome venue.

Today, the sun is shining, which has had a bearing on my selection for the Katy and Brenda fabric bundle competiton.

1. Coral Bloom in sunshine - Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket 2. Joel Dewberry Modern Meadow herringbone in Berry Pink 3. Timeless treasures Grid graph paper in fabric in black smirk by Kyla May 4. Deck Chairs in Coral - Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket 5. Metro Living lattice in marigold yellow by Robert Kaufman 6. Circles in Strawberry Pink Modern Whimsy Organic Fabric by Laurie Wisburn 7. Pop Flowers in Yellow Woodlands by Khristian A Howell for Anthology Fabrics 8. Simple Dots in Cloud Gray Walk in the Woods by Aneela Hoey 9. Waves in Sunshine - Salt Air by Cosmo Cricket 10. Fizzy Dot in pink - Flea Market Fancy by Denyse Schmidt 11. Mono Pez in yellow Pezzy prints by American Jane 12. Yard Seeds in Gray - Fruit Slice for Anthologie Fabrics by Khristian A Howell
If I were to be fortunate enough to win my own bespoke bundle, I would make these into a summer quilt, because the complete lack of sunshine during the summer in this country, means that you have to find it elsewhere! 

I'm calling it 'Mmmm', you know the feeling you get all over your body when the sun hits it?

The sunny yellows will be my warm soothing sunshine, the raspberry reds remind me of sweet juicy strawberries and summer fruits, and the soft greys are the 'on trend' colour to help blend it all together.

And while I have been sewing the past 2 days, they are mainly class samples and more birthday presents for friends (perhaps some pics tomorrow)!

Just before I go, the shocking surprise I got on Sunday was a new Ipad2! 

Now before you get all excited, I don't have it anymore! 

When I eventually scraped myself off the floor and started playing with it (terrifying!) we soon realised it wouldn't be able to do all that I would need it to for work.  So it was returned to the shop and a handy wee laptop purchased in place of it. Much more me, and it's turquoise too!!

So no more fighting with the kids over who's turn it is to use the tin bucket family computer downstairs!

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring Thursday.


  1. Wow, what a venue for a school concert - glad it went well! I love your bundle! Have fun with your new laptop x

  2. enjoy the new laptop! lovely bundle :)

  3. Oh what fun...a new laptop...enjoy!

  4. Oh I wish I had a laptop all for meeeeeee!!!!!
    Lucky lady :)
    The Ulster hall is simply!
    You know I've lived in Ireland all my life & have only been
    to Northern Ire once, Belfast is quite a city.
    Love those stunning fabrics too
    Have a great weekend
    Karen x

  5. love your fabrics, as you say, very summery

  6. Glad you got yourself sorted, and love your selection!

  7. I bet the concert was great and to see your daughter on that stage made you a proud Mum! Hope you have lots of fun with your new laptop. Di xo

  8. gorgeous fabric selection and oh wow a new laptop sounds awesome!!! we don't yet have fights for the PC in our home ...... YET!

  9. Oh you lucky thing! Hope you had a good concert - coincidently I was down the street in the Grand Opera House, at a fundraising concert for Marie Curie Cancer Care!

  10. Enjoy the computer and your fabric bundle is lovely. That concert hall is amazing, your daughter must have had a great time, it would be so cool to see one's kids on that stage.

  11. Yay for new toys! Plus the weekend was fab (in Connemara anyway ;o) )

  12. Yay to new laptop! Boo to far too many birthdays all together... lol And mmmmm indeed to your bundle, I love it!!


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