
Sunday 19 February 2012

Busy Blessed Bees!

I actually remembered to take pictures of our afternoon's creativity and productivity (thanks Janette for the prod!).

Here we all are working on a man quilt.  

left to right: Marion, Janette, Ros, Tina, Sarah
Janette kindly precut lots of dark & light blue strips and made them up into Log Cabin kits, to put together with the red centres that Tina had pre-cut.  Although we were a few members down this round, we still flew through the sewing of these blocks and have nearly 20 blocks already sewn up!

And here is one of the finished log cabin quilts which is being donated to the mum of one of our group.  We hope it will come as a real blessing to her at this difficult time.

A few of our other quilts are now finished and ready to be donated too.

L-R: Pink Log Cabin Quilt (as seen in previous photo); Red/Green Log Cabin Quilt
L-R: Fun-shine Playmat; D9P Adult Quilt; Brown/Cream Log Cabin Quilt
Sorry about the washed out look on this last photo - the sun has actually been shining today!
The Blue Log Cabin Quilt is almost finished, so that will make 5 more ready to be handed over for donation to needy homes.

As mentioned above, the man quilt is coming on apace, and the modern sampler quilts are awaiting sashing fabric.  

Thank you so much everyone for your donations of blocks and fabric, time and energy.  These quilts couldn't be made without the help and support of so many talented people.

If you would still like to donate any of the blocks we have been making to date, then they will be gratefully received, and tutorials are available here.  Next week I will post about  the new block we are introducing for March - it's going to be fun!


  1. Hi to the Blessed Bee members, you look as if you are having fun making those lovely quilts. Di xo

  2. Do I often look this manic and glazed over?!

  3. Great job girls! You do all look a tad bit manic/high on sugar, were you munching lots of cake? ;o)

  4. looks like you had another great day. will definitely get my butt in to gear for march and send some blocks!

  5. These all look terrific, I really love the D9P - well done ladies x

  6. They look fab! You're doing so well matching blocks with a huge variety of fabrics into great looking quilts. Well done, ladies!

  7. You look like you all having fun! Those quilts are fabulous!

  8. fantastic quilts looks like great fun! love everyone of those quilts - can't wait for the March block as I should have time to contribute a few blocks ! x


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