
Thursday 19 January 2012

Spring (?) Cleaning!

I'm very blessed to have a sewing room in my home. Yesterday, I took into it like a woman possessed!

I had several objectives in mind.

1. Hasta La Vista Jerry!

Yes, Mr Mouse has been having midnight rave parties in the walls of my bedroom, disturbing my much needed beauty sleep.  His 'front door' is in my sewing room, so I pulled everything out to get the poison in!  Goodnight Mr J!

2. I swapped around the 2 tables in my room so that I could set up my extendable table, ready for fmq my Dad's Civil War quilt (the table my machine was on previously is so badly bowed in the middle nothing sits straight on it!).

That's a Supreme Slider Mat for FMQ.  Never used one before so I'll let you know how I get on!

3. I thought it was about time to have a rigorous clear out of material I just know I won't use anytime soon.  Ready for something staggering?  I filled 10 bin bags of stuff I no longer need, 6 of which went to the charity shop this morning.  

These other 4 will go to the fabric recycling skip in the local dump.  

We are talking about curtains, bedding and clothes that I've been hoarding collecting for some time now.  In addition to this, I filled a ginormous suitcase of stuff I want to keep, but just not in my sewing room.  It was soooo fat I couldn't zip it, and it took 2 of us to carry it into our walk-in-loft.  There was also a blue IKEA bag full of stuff too which I'm keeping in the loft.  So this is what the fabric section looks like now.

You have to imagine more cubed storage on top of these, all stuffed with fabric, and even more piled on top right up to the ceiling!

4. It's difficult to clean a room that is so full of stuff, so this was my opportunity to give the place a really good clean.

And this box was custom made for me by a very talented friend, to elevate my cutting mat and try and save the ol' back a bit longer!

So that was my day, from morning til evening!

I have muscles aching where I didn't even know I had places, but boy does it feel good!

Have a lovely day!


  1. I love having big clean outs because of how you feel when you've done them. I am also becoming a tad obsessed with filling the recycling bin each time it's due. I get on a crazy one woman mission to fill the bin up and go hunting for things I can sort through to get rid of more paper, glass, card etc. Great sewing room btw x

  2. Wow looking fab! Wish I had that much material full stop, let alone that much to clear out. Hope you are feeling all calm and in order now you have a neat and clean room.

  3. Very impressed and do hope Mr Mouse finds a new home outside in the countryside well away from your walls, and fabric. Love the raised cutting table. Well thought out and better than my floor!

  4. Wait!!! STOP!! Save the fabric and join in my fabric party!!

    Your sewing space looks amazing now though! I do feel a bit sad about Mr Mouse I hope he escaped in one of the bags!

  5. Woah that was a lot of fabric going!!! This from the woman who told me she no longer had much of a stash ;) LOL. I know, I know, not what you meant.... I hate home invasions. In the past mine has been invaded by both mice and ants. Ants came thanks to a citrus cleaner I sprayed my desk with would you believe. Who knew that cleaning could actually BRING the pests!
    Room looks awesome BTW!

  6. wow id love to snoop in the charity shop that all gos to!. I hope you dont mind me giving you a bit of advice regarding the slider, but if you havnt used one before I urge you to tape it to your table as it could still slip especially if you quilting something large, I know how expensive they are and wouldnt want you to ruin yours :-)

  7. Oooohh! What a fabulous space! Mine will be the focus of my weekend, so I'll be back for helpful tips on how to set it up. Thank you :)

  8. Love the pictures of your sewing space :-)

  9. I so need to do a good fabric cleaning. I know there is fabric in there that I am never going to use. I also know there is some "ugly" fabric that someone else will love. Hopefully I will have time for that soon.

  10. Love your neat and tidy sewing room. I hope that Mr M is no more! Tried to comment on your Dad's quilt but Blogger kept 'jamming'. So... It is a fantastic quilt both on the quilting front and on personal memories. Your Dad will be totally chuffed

  11. You have definitely had a bout of Spring fever there Judith. Hope pesky Mr M has gone, I would have to have acquired a new cat by now!!
    Great looking workspace.

  12. So when Mr J is toast, and you've had a rest, would you like to come play here too! lol Talk about a whirling dirvish Judith, the room looks fantastic! Such a satifying feeling )

  13. I love seeing where other people sew and how much fabric they have! Thanks for the insight

  14. Wowsers, SIX bags?!?!? That must've freed up so much space!! I'll be interested to know how you get on with the slippy mat thingie - I can contemplate stuff like this now I have a table on my machine! *g*

  15. Could you pop round here when you get your breath back- I believe you owe me (well hubby) one!!! xxx

  16. Lol, hope Jerry goes quietly! I may have to admit to getting rid of a similar pile of bin bags last October when I was first thinking of sorting the loft out...

  17. Oh wow.... great work! Where did you get that fantastic thread thingy? I want one!! Hope the slippy mat thingy works!

  18. Wonderful to do all that, you must feel so organized now. I love that box under your cutting mat, I want one too!

  19. Cor, your sewing space is amazing, as is your stash....I'm never going to listen to you again when you say you don't have much fabric :) I am particularly liking your box to lift the cutting up mat, with readymade storage's genius! x

  20. Love your sewing room, it looks full of possibilities!

  21. I gather Spring has arrived if you are spring cleaning! :o)

    Congrats on the cleaning!...sooo...can I book you on a flight here so you can help me? :o) LOL

    Love the raised cutting mat! Fabulous idea!!!

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