
Monday 30 January 2012

For Ladies That Lunch!

My brother's partner's birthday is coming up and I've been wanting to try out Ayumi's Bento Bag pattern for a while.

It only took me a couple of hours this morning, including piecing the front and back (thank you Fi for the gorgeous scraps).

The cover will have drawstrings, and underneath this there is more lining.
My brother and his partner run their own Estate Agency in England, so I was thinking this would make a great wee lunch bag to take into the office.  And as Ayumi suggested, I made the inner lining from wipeable fabric, just in case of any spills.

I've just to get some cord now to make the drawstrings, and this pressie is ready to be posted across the Irish Sea!

Have a happy Monday!


  1. It looks great!! I've bookmarked that pattern but I need to get my stars quilt finished first... always the way!
    I'm sure she'll love it, a great gift and I can think of so many uses for it too!

  2. Yet another fabulous gift made by you!

  3. Another wonderful bag from Just Jude!!

  4. You family sure is lucky, you make them the best presents. I think you should make one of those for you too, for when you need to bring along lunch or a snack, as it is lovely.

  5. I love this pattern - what a fab looking bag you have there :)

  6. Great bag! I've got this pattern on my to try list too. I'm thinking it would make a fun summer lunch bag for work!

  7. Very cute! I also have this on my insanely long 'want to do' list...

  8. great bag, what a lovely gift. I

  9. Oooo yes this needs to be on my list to make, so I can reduce the current embarrasment of the 'transformers' lunch box I have been using since I returned to work three weeks ago. Any tips on where I can find the wipeable lining fabric?? x

  10. Fantastic! thanks for the link, I've bookmarked for after the zippy pouch extravaganza!


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