
Tuesday 27 December 2011

Slowly But Surely!

I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas weekend!  

Mine was quiet, and although I'm struggling a bit with a yucky cold, it's been lovely chilling out with family, and living a slow pace through the day.

I haven't felt much like sewing, but my hands are too fidgety to remain motionless for long, so there's been a little bit of crochet.

More headbands
Lots of circles, which are meant to become squares for a cushion cover.
And I'll leave you with a sneak peak of a W.I.P. for my youngest!

Have a lovely day!

Judith xo


  1. Ooo your musical notes look very intriguing!

  2. Oh you have been busy - I am jealous!

  3. Oh I need to learn to crochet! You do inspire so. Xx

  4. A crochet kebab - very original!! LOL. Love the sneak peek - can't wait to see the rest!

  5. Hope the cold isnt getting too bad!

  6. I really like your little circles. Can't wait to see where you take them!

  7. Your crochet looks lovely-- a nice change of pace. Sorry to hear about your cold-- hope it isn't too bad and passes quickly. I am very intrigued by your WIP for your youngest b/c my husband and stepsons are very music-oriented. [working on an iPad cover for Hubster with some instrument-themed fabric] but your stitching and applique look so nice!

  8. While I'm commenting: had an interesting thought over the holiday for a new name for my blog (inspired, to a large degree by you-- but also the Brit Bee quilters): ready for this... "Brit Wannabe" (Even my husband liked it)-- not to replace my "label" name if I should decide to "sell" my little homemade creations at some point-- which has now evolved into possibly "Rising Crane" but this really should be in one-on-one e-mail to you so I'll shut-uppa now!! {Had 2 glasses of wine this evening-- almost time for bed for me!!} Have a good night!! Although with the time difference across the sea, you're probably fast asleep and will read this in the light of day (when I'm fast asleep!!) OK-- bye now [as she zips her lips]

  9. Ooo love the wip! Thats lots of crocheting not a little bit lol! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  10. The crochet is lovely, I have been knitting. I hope you feel better soon!

  11. oooh, liking the look of the sneak preview!

  12. Just a little crochet?! Cute though... Love the sneak peek too :o)

  13. Circles in several forms...looking forward to the reveal! Di xo

  14. Love the musical notes - wonder what tune they play?

  15. Mmmm I like the look of those musical notes, I wait with interest x


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