
Thursday 8 December 2011

A Laptop Sleeve Conquered!

Phew!  is all I can say to this finish!


This is a laptop sleeve for my 17 year old nephew, for Christmas.  Despite the 'simple' vision I had of this in my mind (I should have been worried right then!) this project turned into quite a challenge.

As mentioned previously, my foundation piecing with lined fabric made full use of the word 'wonky'!
I'm deliberately NOT showing a close up of the wonky bits!
Then came something that would have rivalled an episode of The Krypton Factor (I'm showing my age now!).  

I know enough from bag making to know that there is a sequence when constructing a bag.  As this laptop sleeve is essentially a bag (don't tell my nephew that!) I thought I'd be able to work it out!

Unfortunately for me, I don't have a degree in Construction Engineering or Quantum Physics (or anything else for that matter!) & I realised too late that I'd never made a gussetted/zippered/lined bag.

I couldn't for the life of me work out how to get the gussets, zips and linings together without any raw edges!  World Wide Web - you were no help to me at all!!

When I finally, somehow, managed to get the thing together with no holes or raw edges, I couldn't get my husband's laptop (same model as nephew's) to fit in through the zipper opening!  


And my zipper ends were so lovely too!

So out came the stitch ripper (again!), off came the zip (again!).

Never mind, I battled on (I even dreamt about fixing it last night), persevered and I now have a satisfying finish & a very sore back!

Lovely Kona Ash on the inside!
I hope your week has been more productive and stress-free than mine!

Chat soon,  

Judith xo


  1. It looks perfect now but sorry it was such a palaver to do for you. I am sure he will love it though. Now, off you go to write a tutorial for the rest of us. ;-)

    Actually, this could be another pattern for you. Something good should come from all the stress!

  2. It looks fabulous Judith! You're a wee wonder!

  3. Perseverance paid off - looks great. If I'd unpicked a zip there'd be holes in that thing now!!

  4. It looks great Judith. So well done. Of course in the New year when you have more time you need to write up a pattern/tutorial and get it on etsy...if the www couldn't help you there must be a lot of people wishing they had the know how!

  5. Ah no sorry it was such a pain to make! Looks fantastic now tho!

  6. Ah that's beautiful..... A real labour of love!

  7. It looks wonderful but I'm glad it wasn't me making it...I'm with Jan - sell the pattern on Etsy!

  8. Gorgeous!! My 17 daughter is swooning over your pictures so I'm sure it will be a hit with your 17 year old nephew!

  9. well sweetie, it looks fab and no one would have an inkling that it wasnt a breeze for you! I'm sure he'll love it!

  10. Oh no, I feel for you and that 'not gonna fit' realization!

    It might have been easier to but him a new laptop!

    Brilliant result though x

  11. It's an absolute cracker Judith, sorry it was a pain (easier next time!!)

  12. Well done for battling it into submission despite its efforts to thwart you!

  13. It sounds like quite the challenge! Who knew?? Good for you for persevering! I think it looks great, and I'm glad that you figured out the size and the zipper. Hurray for another [wonderful] "pressie" checked off the list. I'm finding that I want to use Brit language these days, as if I am one, and have to check myself. Pretty funny!

  14. It's wonderful! You have done an excellent job and I am sure he will love it!

  15. Soup er Bo Judith! Wowza ;-)

  16. Yeah Judith! You came, you saw, you conquered! You won't forget now will you??? Better write that tute!

  17. Perseverence pays off! This looks totally professional (as I expect from you, Judith!) and I'm with you on that"How does this all go together?" moment - I get those moments with bags, even if I've made the design before....I think I have to relearn it every time!

    Anyway, I think you'll have a very chuffed recipient...yeay! x


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