
Monday 12 December 2011

I Don't Believe It!!

If Victor Meldrew had been in my house, he would have projected this statement more than once today!

It's been one of those days!

The edited version is that Boiler Man no.4 will be coming tomorrow (sometime!) to maybe hopefully fix the boiler.  I sent the kids down to a friends house this afternoon to get showered! 

Sorting the boiler issues took up much of the day.  When I finally snatched half an hour to sew in my ice-box sewing room, my iron kept throwing the electrical trip switch.

So after tea, I nipped down to church to pick up one of my other irons (that I store down there for classes), brought it back, plugged it in, and ..................


It didn't work, at all!   Aaaarggghhh!

What makes this even more frustrating is that I'm tantilisingly close to finishing Sophie!  Baby is due any day now and I just need to get the binding ironed and attached and I'm done!

So tomorrow it will be off down to Tescos again to quickly get a new iron before the Boiler man decides to call/not call.

The only other thing I managed to get done today was a quick mugrug present for a male relative.

So I'm off now to wash in cold water, before filling my hot water bottle & layering up for bed (and a wee hot port might just make an appearance too!).

Hope you've had a more productive day!

Judith xo


  1. Oooh sounds like you're having some nasty problems...hope it all gets sorted soon and that you are warm and toasty in time for Christmas!

  2. Oh dear, Judith-- not a fn day! I've had a few like those. The Sophie quilt looks so pretty, and the mug rug/basket/organizer looks great, too. Hope you stay warm tonight and I hope the boiler gets fixed tomorrow. Good luck!

  3. You poor woman. That just sounds awful. If it is any consolation I am also in bed with a hot water bottle !!

  4. Oh what a nightmare - if things do go in threes you've had your quota for a while now.

  5. Oh I feel for you. Workmen are a bloody nightmare. The worse thing is each night without heat it feels colder and colder. I have invested in two electric heaters, one halogen, one fan. They are a godsend as I've had a lot of boiler problems over the years but only when there is snow on the ground!

  6. Poor you! Hope boiler man no 4 is a genius!

  7. Oh no! I'm glad it was the Iron and not the Electrics!!! Hope it gets sorted tomorrow. Hot water bottles here too :-) (and the hot port sounds like a very good idea)

  8. Oh Judith that is a rubbish day - beats my crappy start to last week!

  9. Oh Judith, what a load of stuff to deal with when you have so many other things to get on with! I do feel for you. Being cold is so not nice! Hope Mr Boiler Man 4 turns out to be a good one.

    My old iron kept tripping out the electricity and usually two would be on the computer and one watching telly and they would all shout at me at the same time. I got a new one too!

    Hope tomorrow turns out much better than today!

  10. Argh, nightmare day! Good luck with boiler man #4 (I once had to shower in the office for 3 days straight, I'm sure people were inching away from me on the train on the way in ;o) )

  11. Oh how horrible :( I hope tomorrow goes really well and all is fixed!! x

  12. I hope tomorrow brings better news with the heat and irons and such.

  13. Oh Judith, having recently endured the broken boiler issue on the coldest night of this winter, I completely understand your pain. Hope boiler man No 4 is there fixing it right now! Hot port? mmm, muust try that, port is one of my all time fave tipples :)

  14. Sounds like I nightmare I hate being cold! We had boiler problems last year, definitely not fun! I hope by now you are stitching happily away watching the boiler man fix the heating!

  15. I know everyone has their own way of doing things, so this might not work for you, but I never iron my binding strips. I read somewhere once that you shouldnt because when you fold it over and curve it to the front, slightly more is needed on one side than the other. Just my 2 cents!

  16. I hope the boiler man has been now - mine broke either last year or the year before and I dragged the oil heater in from the conservatory and closed every door I could...nipping to the bathroom wasn't fun though, it might have been warmer outside! Hope your house is lovely and toasty!

  17. oh, I hope your boiler gets fixed soon and that you can get that lovely quilt fininshed off


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