
Friday 30 December 2011

The First Cut is the Deepest!

I have finally made the first cut into the brand new civil war fabrics I bought for my dad's 70th birthday quilt!

I'm always nervous making the first cut into new fabrics, probably because it isn't that often that I get to work with brand new fabrics!

I'm working from the Civil War Diary Quilt book, but unfortunately it isn't a pattern book.  So I'm scaling up the blocks to 12", working out the maths and selecting 20 out of the 121 in the book.

Here's the first one, it's called Conscript Law.

Fabrics from The Homespun Loft
Well, that's one down, 19 more to go!!

Judith xo


  1. It's a lovely block! Good luck with all that scaling!

  2. It looks like a fabulous block, Judith. Better you than me doing the scaling up maths stuff though!

  3. Great start - looking forward to seeing the other 19 and well done on the maths - that's the bit I'm not so crazy about!

  4. Look at those perfect points - lucky Dad!

  5. what a lovely block and great fabric

  6. I think this will be a perfect dad quilt.

  7. That looks great, well calculated!

  8. Oooh perfect points! Twenty blocks eh? bet they're all triangles too.... lol

  9. Wow! Quilt maths *shudder* it's going to be a fabulous quilt :)

  10. Those fabrics are so beautiful-- I remember when you posted them when your first received them. The block pattern is very petty, too. Looking forward to seeing the upcoming ones. Enjoy working with them!

  11. Looking good, can't wait to see the rest!

  12. That is a wonderful block and the fabrics are perfect! I will now have that song in my head all day!

  13. There's no need to be nervous when the results are this good! A great start and I look forward to seeing the progression.

  14. Love Love Love - your dad wouldn't miss this one if you made it into a cushion for me, would he? Just kidding, but this is gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see the rest of the blocks.

  15. It looks great! I really like the pattern you used and the fabrics look lovely in it. That's lots of work re-designing each pattern. Can't wait to see block #2 :)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. WOW! I Love it...
    and i thing thats good for you >>

    LUCKY NUMBER Thank you!


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