
Thursday 24 November 2011

A Little Bit of Sophie!

You may remember eons ago I took part in the Across the Sea Quiltalong, and got this far:

This was going to be a cot quilt for my friend who is having a baby in December, should she have a boy.  Well the reason I never got this finished is because when she visited me in September, she announced she was having a girl!!!

So now I have the excuse to start making something else!  I fancy having a go at this:

Pattern found here.

...and have decided to make it using this:

Well, half of this layer cake actually! Purchased from River Fabrics.
I'd need to get my skates on as I'd like the quilt to be ready for when baby arrives (no coming early little one!).

So today I managed to get lots of little pieces cut to make the 20 blocks.

It's a start!

As always, I have lots of things started!  I'm good at that (& I know I'm not alone!).

I'm sure I'll finish the boy quilt one day!

Judith xo


  1. It's scary the amount of things that I start or intend starting and don't actually finish. Like I signed up for the Across the Sea QAL and promptly did nothing! Not even pull fabric. That baby quilt will be adorable - can't wait to see it finished!

  2. I just LOVE Sophie and have been so tempted to buy it but I'm trying to resist. I'm not sure I'll be able to if you keep showing pictures of your quilt!

  3. I made that baby quilt using a Moda Modern Workshop layer cake - can't wait to see what it looks like with this one!!

  4. Those are beautiful fabrics for that pattern. At least a baby quilt is not too big, I expect you will finish in time.

  5. This is going to look so great. Fab pattern and the fabrics are just perfect. I'm excited to see your next post!!!

  6. I am also very good at starting.

  7. What a lovely set of fabrics...this is going to make a stunning quilt!

  8. I am loving that quilt pattern. Simple but very effective. Looking forward to seeing it in your fabrics.

  9. Who doesn't like starting!? I too have trouble with finishing ....but am hoping to get better!

  10. Beautiful fabrics! I'm very good at planning projects and pulling fabrics and then trying to decide which to start first...usually something else!!

  11. That's going to look lovely when it's finished. Hope your friend keeps her legs crossed for you ;o)

  12. Good preparation - now there'll be no stopping you x

  13. That will be a lovely quilt!

  14. Yumminess abounds - can't wait to see how it takes shape!


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