
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Toastie Toes!

I've been so tired recently in the evenings that I've been forcing myself away from the sewing room (& the computer - failed there!) to sit downstairs, watch telly, eat chocolate (not much forcing needed!) and crochet.

I recently crocheted a hat (my first ever hat!) for a bloggy friend, but forgot to take pics of it.  I was pleased with how it turned out & my kids didn't hold back in their feedback on how ridiculous it looked on me (I don't suit hats at all!).

Some time ago I started a pattern for bed socks (I know, I'm a Granny at 40!) just because I'd never made socks before.

After the buoyancy of my hat finish, I regrouped and got the tricky socks out again.  

And voila!

My feet aren't as big as the Ship Yards they look like here!
I'm really pleased with them, even though the cream wools are different (I ran out half way through!), one of the heels is wonky, and one sock is longer than the other (ahhhh the incognito wonders of photography!).

I might keep these as a wee stocking filler for one of my daughters who LOVES bedsocks and slipper socks (they could be used for either they're so snuggly).
So 2 new crochet projects attempted and completed. 

Mmmmmm, what shall I do next?

Have a great Wednesday!

Judith xo


  1. Those are great socks! Can't say I've ever crocheted socks before either... then again I can't crochet! :)

  2. Multi talented!! I have never been able to crochet.......

  3. Cute! I'd love the pattern, they would be perfect for my mama :-)

  4. what to do next? can I have some socks please? ;-) lol

  5. So pretty! I'm loving knitting and crochet in front of the fire this weather

  6. You are so clever - crochet and me just don't seem to go - but I have yarn and hooks, so maybe I will try again one day!

  7. Wonderful socks! They look very cozy. Happy crocheting!

  8. Bed socks are the best especially at this time of year and to bulk out for big boots in the snowy wet weather. You can never have too many :)

  9. Wish I could crochet, these are great!

  10. I'm too daunted to 'knit' socks but crocheted ones look much more managable. Would love know where the pattern is from.
    Teresa x

  11. Sarah beat me to it but, yes make me some next! They look so snugly, just what's needed right now, I'm freezing!! Off to put on some more normal and boring socks now ;)

  12. I love those socks and all the colours! gorgeous! love the photo of your feet in front of the box x

  13. oooh, this are so lovely and they look very toasty

  14. Wonderful! Bed socks are not just for grannies! I knit a lot of socks, and I have never tried crocheting them - yours are inspiring!

  15. Love them....... Shame I can't crochet!

  16. Oh, crocheted socks...never thought of making those!! Oh, and I do have feet that would be more at home in the local shop yard than the shoe shop so the bigger the better for my socks please!!

  17. Lovely snuggly socks - great stocking flller idea!

  18. What to do next? Sit down in front of the telly with your feet up and munch chocolate without a crochet hook in hand, silly ;o) The socks look toasty anyway

  19. Never seen crocheted socks before. They look terrific. And your feet do not look huge. Great project for telly watching and chocolate eating, though I would have both hands in the chocolate so may make a mess of the white yarn!


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