
Sunday 7 August 2011

Wonky Corners Block Tutorial

As promised, here is a tute on how to make this block, which I made for Sarah in the monthly Brit Bee.

I've called it 'Wonky Corners' because I couldn't think of anything else!  But if this block has a 'proper' name, please let me know!

The effect of this block is achieved by alternating coloured strips with a dark solid (black in Sarah's block, and navy in this tutorial example).  It works up to 12.5" finished.

1. Gather together scraps of fabrics.  Varying lengths are good, and you could also use jelly roll strips.

2. Start with a 2.5" coloured square.  Try to keep this in the same position - I keep mine to the top left hand corner of the block, and add strips to the right & bottom edges.

3. Angle the side of the starting square by approx. 0.5".

4. Pin a strip of dark fabric to this wonky edge.  Flip it over to make sure that it will pass the top edge of the starting square.

5. Once in position, sew a 1/4" seam along the edge and press the seam away from the starting square.
6. Position the piece back on the cutting mat, making sure the starting square is lying square on the mat.  Angle the side of the first dark strip & also the bottom edge.

7. Now pin, position & sew the 2nd dark strip along the bottom edge.  Remember to overhang the dark strip slightly beyond the outer edge of the starting square.
Again, iron the seams away from the starting square.

8. Angle the side of the 2nd dark strip and square off the opposite 2 edges - these are the edges which include the remaining raw edges of the starting square.  They are the measuring point for keeping these outer edges square.  I like to put a sticker in the left hand corner of my starting square to remind me to keep these 2 edges square.

9. Now add 2 more coloured strips in the same way as before. 

10. Angle them, square off the outer edges, before adding another row of dark solid.
11.  Continue adding alternate rows of coloured & dark solid fabrics, increasing in width as the block gets bigger.

12.   I stopped adding strips when I got to 12.5" and then squared off the entire block.  However you could stop or continue to whatever size you choose.

Variations to this block could be ..
* using white or pale grey solids with darker patterns 
* keeping the fabrics the same in each row (I used different patterns in my coloured sections)
* using light shades on the top row and dark shades on the bottom row
* using thin strips of solid with wide strips of pattern, or vice versa
* increase the 'wonkiness' by increasing/varying the angles
* not having contrasting solids at all!

I would love to see your version of this block, should you decide to have a go.  

Please send me a pic of your finished block, and I'll put up a mosaic of all of them on my blog to inspire others to have a go!

Happy sewing!


  1. Great tutorial, its a cracker of a block :-)

  2. Love this variation Judith, thanks for taking the time to tute.

  3. absolutely bloomin wonderful ... can't wait to make one ...

  4. Love this block Judith - might use it for my Solids swap, my partner wants improv piecing and I think this might be her kind of thing, thanks so much for the tute!

  5. Hi, Judith. My e-mail is Thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. Thanks for such a clear and easy to follow tutorial.

  7. Thank you for posting this tutorial!! I have two 12.5" blocks I need to make for our Mod Conn Quilters group, and I am definitely going to use this tute for one of them. Love your block!

  8. Great tutorial. I love the finished effect of this block and would be interested to see how lots of these would look together.
    Teresa x

  9. Hi I have just found your blog through Brit Quilt and am now a follower - I love this tutorial , thanks for doing it.

  10. Do you by any chance have a picture of what the finished product looks like? I have made one quilt in my life, and as such am having trouble envisioning the completed quilt.

  11. Thanks for the great instructions! This was the block of the month for our quilting bee and I blogged about it:

  12. Thanks for the directions for the wonky corner quilt block. I made one block and enjoyed it so much, I made a whole quilt. It took almost a year to finally put the quilt together but it is finished and I would like to send you a picture of the quilt but don't know how to do that on this blog.

    Judy Cameron

  13. ..a QB on the HGTV message board just posted this link, and already several of us are ready to give it a GO ... I thi nk it's great ... and a fun way to put the scrap box(ES) to good use .... thank you.

  14. That would be a great block for Bee Blessed! Ok if we use it at some stage??

  15. Hello Judith! I just found your blog! Thankyou so much for posting this! I Love the look of it!

  16. I thought it was the perfect thing to work on during this pandemic when I am trying to make use of what I have.


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