
Saturday 27 August 2011

Roundup of Summer Classes

Today was the final day of my Beginners' Saturday School which ran for 4 Saturdays through the summer.

Here is a mosaic of the lovely ladies and their gorgeous makes, together with a few beach-hutters from July & a Boxy Bag workshop in August!

Well done everyone!  I hope you are inspired to keep sewing!


  1. Great collection of works, looks like you've had happy classes!

  2. Woo-wee - oh didn't they all do well, in my best Brucie voice!

    Must be in the teaching, for sure xx

  3. What lovely projects! They all look so proud!

  4. Loved being part of your summer classes J - from both sides! The beginners did really well, all ready to graduate to your fab autumn programme! Thanks a million friend!

  5. Sure they will keep going Judith, these are all great.

  6. Great bags, but I love those beach hut cushions even more!!

  7. Look at you, spreading the quilty love! I hope you're chuffed, you should be :) x


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