
Sunday 14 August 2011

Quilt Tops!

I'm heading to the coast with my family today.  A few days of R&R, walks along the beach (if the weather holds!), up into the Mountains, no computers, and of course time to sew non-work related projects.

You remember back at Easter time, I took away with me the Dresden Wallhanging (part of Lily's Quilts QAL), my Crazy Daughter Quilt Blocks (which were in their infancy then) and some crocheting.

This time I hope to get some quilt tops finished and some started.

1. A Jelly Roll Quilt top (ok, so this one is a class project, but it's the only piece of work, honest!):

2. Another Jelly Roll Quilt top with the leftovers from the same Central Park Jelly Roll.

This is the one where I had to unpick 100 wrong-sized hsts!
3. A small quilt from my winnings from Pickle Dish earlier this year - been having some thoughts on what I can do with these yummy charm squares.

4. And finally, the Kaliedoscope quilt, which was a QAL hosted by Don't Call Me Betsy finished long ago, but as usual I'm playing catch up!

All 30 blocks made.  They now need to be trimmed and pieced together.
I'm not planning on doing any quilting this week.  If I get all these quilt tops made you'll know the weather was pants & I was indoors A LOT!

I have a few blogs saved for publishing this week, but I won't be able to respond immediately to comments.  I'll enjoy reading them all when I return.

Hope you all have a great week, wherever you are.


  1. Have a lovely holiday - all your projects are lovely but I particularly like the jelly roll one at the top - such a good idea and gorgeous colours!

  2. Have a great break - don't miss us too much - I did!

  3. Have a wonderful time on your vaca! Your projects look awesome!

  4. Have a brilliant time and I hope you don't get a stitch of sewing done. In other words it is gorgeous weather the sole time.

  5. Have a good time whether sunny or not - and lookinf forward to Bee Blessed start!

  6. For someone who doesnt plan on getting much sewing done that's a hell of a lot of bits to take with you! lol Weather forecast that promising?! Have a great time missus, I'll miss you!

  7. Have a great holiday - hope it keeps dry :0)

  8. Haha I'm just back from a little holiday. Most of the time the weather was pants and I got loads of sewing done (Lynne's dresden quilt being one of the projects I took with me)
    It's definitely best to be prepared!

  9. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and that the weather is wonderful!

  10. Haha ! Hope you have more success with your planning than I did! :) Have a fantabulous time!


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