
Tuesday 2 August 2011


Good manners are v.important to me, and I've tried hard to instil a sense of good manners in my children.

I am thankful to my followers who so kindly leave me comments regularly - I really appreciate your feedback and friendship.

It is important to me to reply to every comment where I can, because to me that's just good manners.  When someone pays you a compliment, you say 'thank you'; when someone makes a suggestion you acknowledge it; when someone says something rude funny, you LOL with them (virtually of course!).  

I'm a little annoyed when I take the time to comment on other people's blogs and they don't reply, but I know that there are differing opinions out there about blogs & flickr and when there is a need to respond.

As far as my own blog is concerned, I've noticed recently a few folks leaving comments, but when I try to respond they are '' meaning there's no email address for me to reply to.

I would like to apologise to those of you who have been leaving comments but have had no responses back from me.  I've tried tracking you down via flickr, but where I haven't managed to contact you, would you mind leaving me your email address for future, so that I can always reply.  I wouldn't want you to think I was being rude and ignoring you!

For example, a reader suggested I write a tutorial on the recent block I made for Sarah (Brit Bee).  I would like to let her know that this is a fab idea and I will get right on it.  Thank you for your compliment and a great suggestion!
I appreciate every comment I receive, and while I try not to place too much credence on the number of followers I have (it's quality not quantity right?)  I am touched and often amazed that I have so many and that what I have to write about is interesting enough for folks to read and leave lovely comments.

Thank you again for your patience this morning!  If I could I would send you all some flowers from my garden, but as I can't here are some pics to enjoy instead.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!




  1. Gorgeous flowers, ta sweetie! I know what you mean, I always feel like I'm bein really rude when I cant reply to a comment! but if there's no address to reply to what can you do?

  2. Your flowers are beautiful!! I managed to get one tiny bloom on my straggly, wimpy clematis plant (I was going to include a photo of it in my post today). You definitely have a green thumb! I have noticed that you are very prompt in responding to all the comments I have left-- I appreciate that about you. I like to respond to all the comments I receive, but sometimes it takes me a few days. I'm looking forward to your tutorial. Have a good day!

  3. I used to do all my replying by adding comments in my own comments, but that can get unwieldy and people have to come back and look again, and I should think once is enough!!

    Love the fact that you have beautiful flowers AND you know what they are called!

  4. I wholeheartedly agree. I try to reply to all comments via email (although sometimes a few slip through if I've been really busy), but I just don't get "no-reply bloggers"? What is the point exactly of leaving people comments and entering giveaways if you are completely anonymous. Seriously, when I held my sew mama sew giveaway, probably about a quarter of people were no-reply. Come on people!! Get it together!!

    The flowers are beautiful. Love the big ball ones.. Lx

  5. Gorgeous flowers! Amazing colours!

  6. Aww what a nice post! I totally agree...what I end up doing is tracking down the no-reply bloggers blog and then leaving a response on their blog! Which looks a bit weird because I'm replying to a question asked somewhere else (!) but it makes me feel better about it :) x

  7. Well said Judith - I was like Hadley at first, then I used to "find" email addresses and respond and finally I found out about email alerts and replying is now so easy.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it & I will always reply. (If you don't get a reply from me it is because you are a 'no reply comment' blogger. You might want to change your blog settings to make sure folks can reply to your comments more easily.) Jxo