
Sunday 5 June 2011

A Union Flag Pressie

June is a big birthday month in my family - mine, my youngest daughter's, my nephew, my husband's neice and my brother (as well as a few friends!), not to mention Fathers Day! 

My brother lives in England, and last year I made him this wallhanging (which he calls his blankie!):

He is very patriotic and a big footie supporter which is why I majored on the Union Flag for the design.  (More info on this wallhanging here - you will need to scroll down.)

I used the 4 Twin Sisters foundation pattern for the Union Flag (an enlarged version!) and found it really easy to follow.

This year, I thought I'd make big bro a mug rug for his office, and you guessed it, it's another Union Flag!

I used the same pattern for this one, actual size.  

So this will go into the post this week for my brother to enjoy his Guinness coffee & bickies at work.


  1. Your brother is very very lucky! His blankie is beautiful and the Mug rug is great!What a lovely sister you are!

  2. Lovely sharp, clean lines - great piecing! Hope your brother enjoys his patriotic cuppa!

  3. Oh what great union jacks. Your family gets nice presents. Mine get ones that take me forever and a day to get around to doing.

  4. These are great! Your brother must be a nice guy.

  5. Lovely job! Think I might have to try a mini union jack!


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