
Friday 17 June 2011

Teachers' Gifts Sorted!

My kids' Primary School teachers always get a handbag from me at the end of the school year (except the year when one of my daughters had a male teacher - before 'man bags' were cool!).

I've only one daughter left in P.S so I could spend a little more time & thought on her wonderful teacher.

I recently saw a tutorial for a cute summer tote bag on Grosgrain.

And here is my version of it:

I added a handy pocket for the wee stuff that always gets lost at the bottom!

This pattern follows the standard rules of bag-making (pocket & snap fastener instructions not included) and was very easy to make.

My daughter loves it and is confident her teacher will love it too!  Phew!

The same daughter has 2 classroom assistants in her class who she doesn't like to leave out.  So they (plus my other daughter's favoured form teacher) are getting mug rugs which I had made a few months back.

All that's needed now are a few yummy biscuits or sweets to go with them and we're sorted!

I'm going great guns with my lounge cushions (once I finally bought the right size cushion fillers - duh!).  Will wait until I've all 6 made before the grand unveiling!!

Here endeth another productive day!


  1. Kripes, my son's teacher will be lucky to get a box of Roses the rate I'm going - and the girls leave nursery at the end of July, which means, as a family, we will have been going there non-stop for 5 1/2 years! Going to be a sad day - I will have to make something for them!

  2. Lovely gifts. I think about making things for the girls' teachers but don't find the time to actually make them. One day!! Can't wait to see the pillows.

  3. Lovely pressies! Bag is fab- love how you've used the ribbon (?!!) stuff on the front and inside.

  4. That's one very lucky teacher- fabulous bag!

  5. Those are nice presents, teachers work so hard! I think I am shopping for teacher presents, no time to be so creative, I will try to remember to start early for next year.

  6. Snap - I made my elder daughter's teacher a bag at the end of last year's school when she left for senior school!


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