
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Poor Birdie!

We were walking home from church on Sunday and came across a very sad thing:

This wee birdie was lying dead on the foot path, probably having fallen out of the very tall tree above where it was lying.

The kids were fascinated at seeing the bird so close up.  We brought her home, respectfully wrapped her up, and buried her in a wee box in the front garden (where the dog can't dig her up and eat her!).

On a less morbid note, I thought I'd have a go at iddy-biddy crazy patchwork, using the tiny leftovers from my daughter's crazy blocks.


only 4" square!
I've decided it will be a present for one of the many birthday-ers we have this month!

Have a great Tuesday!


  1. I can't believe how tiny the pieces are in that pincushion. It looks great. Maybe I should tell you when my birthday is. ;-)

  2. Oh this is so so cute. I love little pincushions.

  3. Very nice too! (Well not the birdie, obviously x)

  4. Aww poor little birdie :(
    Beautiful pincushion!

  5. Your scrappy pincushion is so cute! The dead bird, mmm not so much!

  6. ewww second blogpost in as many weeks that I've read about a dead bird falling from the sky... What are they doing up there?!
    Love the teeny tiny patchwork, its made a gorgeous pincushion :-)

  7. I love it! What a cute pincushion with the tiny clover in the middle.


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