
Thursday 9 June 2011

Brit Quilt Swap Completed

Well partner, all done!

It's not really bent!  Just draped over my sofa!
I went for a darker green binding in the end, to frame the picture (binding is slightly wider than standard too!).

I'm not totally in love with this, probably because it's not something I'd usually make. 

When I asked my daughter what she thought of it she said 'Mmmm, it's not really you!' which is probably the best thing she could have said, because this mini quilt is meant to say more about my partner than me.

This doesn't need to be posted to my partner until the end of June - still time to think about how on earth I'm going to post it!


  1. Great job Judith - good to be finished huh? I have to hand stitch my binding and I am done too, we can begin to wonder what we will be getting......

  2. I love the details ... we'll have a discussion group on how to package the little darlings up for posting, I'm sure!! It's a popular topic on swaps .. lol!

    Well done - I love the label too ...

  3. That is the great thing about swaps (as I am finding out) they take you away from your usual comfort zone because we are making for others not ourselves. Well done of you to put your partner's likes first. I have heard stories of swaps where that just does not happen. I am sure your partner will be thrilled with it. And I think it is gorgeous by the way.

  4. I hope you haven't lost my address!

  5. Oh that's awesome! I love it!

  6. Well I love it! It is fabulous, your partner is very lucky!

  7. I really like the little hand quilted touches. Your partner will be delighted with this little quilt, I'm sure. The swap thing is a little unusual in that it does take you away from what your normal choices and preferences are, but I think that's being fair to your partner. Great job!

  8. Wow what an amazing job! love the patchwork heart , your partner will be over the moon!

  9. What a charming mini quilt! I love what you came up with. I think your partner will be very happy :0) Nice details.

  10. You've done a great job! It looks gorgeous!


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