
Friday 6 May 2011

There's always Johnny Depp!

I haven't blogged since Monday and you would be forgiven for thinking I've been doing dang all!

Not true!

I taught 3 classes.

Took my daughter to hospital to have her big toe nail removed (ouch!).

Gave a talk and presentation at my local MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) about Oasis & R2B quilting classes.

Made the first block for Ms May in the Brit Quilt Bee (not allowed to show pics yet until Ms May receives all blocks from all other calendar gals!)

Cut out the bricks for my nephew's birthday quilt:

Thinking of pale grey sashing?
Okay so not much happening in the sewing front, but tonight I'm consoling myself with some of this ...

and some of this ......



  1. lol Ms May eh? Now that conjours up all sorts of images, best I find the buns and the teapot!

  2. Don't you two start, you'll have Lynne getting a brainwave for a Brit Quilt calendar - ranging from a couple of mug rugs to a King Size pair of Dredens!

  3. Flying Blind! I'll be the one holding the king size quilt in front of herself. Not overly modest, just trying to protect calendar sales!

  4. So there is clearly a calendar girls story here! I love the look of the nephew quilt and it sounds like a night off is well deserved!


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