
Tuesday 24 May 2011

Problems leaving Comments

Sorry folks but, since yesterday, I'm having serious problems trying to leave comments on some of your blogs.

Be assured that I am still interested and keeping up to date with all your wonderful makes.

As I am technically inept, I will have to wait for my wonderful, patient, long-suffering hubbie to return from work to help me sort out this pain in the B**t!

I've tried everything I can think of, and now that I know someone else is having the same difficulty, it might be a Blogger problem.  Boooooooooooooooooo!

Will be in touch. Jxo


  1. Well I can torment you then and you cannot respond!!

  2. OK no problem I'm commenting as 'Ethne (Google) - so make sure your recognised in the 'Comment as: box' and what you have to say will be displayed

  3. No worries. We still know you love us!! Have a glass of wine (or two) and leave it be for a bit. In the scheme of things it will all be fine - this is just a little bloggy blip.

  4. Sorry you're having probs. Hope you're up and running again soon.

  5. It seems to be back to normal now.

  6. I think the problem is sorted now. Your tormrnt is over.

  7. Just a suggestion, but try switching to FireFox as your browser program. It seems to have less issue than IE. I haven't had many of the problems I have seen floating around Blogland and I use FireFox. I switched when IE9 came out.


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it & I will always reply. (If you don't get a reply from me it is because you are a 'no reply comment' blogger. You might want to change your blog settings to make sure folks can reply to your comments more easily.) Jxo