
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Oh the weather outside is frightful!

Well this is Northern Ireland after all!

It's not so much the rain, we're doing the classic 'grey sky' thing that we do so well here.

You've heard of the Kona Solids range e.g. Kona Ash, Kona Charcoal.  Well here's a new shade Kona could add to their collection - 'Kona 'Irish Sky' grey'!

The only blue I saw yesterday was this -

I had to duck in between showers just to photograph it!

This is the back for my nephew's colour brick quilt (ignore the uneven bottom - to be trimmed!).

Unfortunately I didn't have enough Kona Ash to cover the back, so went with a pieced blue/brick idea instead, using the Kona Ash for sashing again.

I've never made a pieced quilt back before, and I'd be lying through my pants if I said I enjoyed the process!  But I am pleased with how it looks. 

Binding made and ready to go!

I just hope the quilting pattern doesn't make the back look like a complete shambles.

Waiting on the wadding to arrive and then I can get started.  Oh joy!


  1. Look grand! It goes brilliantly with the bricks at the front... pieced backs are great, if you have the patience.

  2. Your backing looks super.

  3. Looking good! Can't wait to see it finished!

  4. Hi Judith

    I love your brick pattern quilt, I dont understand the fascination with making a pieced backing myself! The important bit is the front.
    I'm just about to sandwich my quilt together, I had considered a pieced back, but I'm sticking with simple :O)


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