
Monday 9 May 2011

The New Calendar Gals!

I thought it was time I talked about a new swap I've signed up to.

It's called the Brit Bee and came out of a new Flickr group called Brit Quilt, which seeks to connect quilters in the UK.

There are 12 of us, and as each member has an allocated month to send out material and instructions for the other members to make their block, I've affectionately called us the Calendar Girls!

Well there be none of that, of course!
Let me introduce you to The New Calendar Gals!

Miss May - Trudi from Quilting Prolifically

 Miss June - Fiona from fionapoppy

Miss July - Judith from Needles & Lemons

Miss August - Sarah from Narcoleptic in a Cupboard

Miss September - Susan from Canadian Abroad

Miss October - Laura from Needles, Pins & Baking Tins

Miss November - Hadley from Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle

(There is no Miss December as we are doubling up in February)

Miss January - MOI!

Miss February - Terri from Mish Mash Mama

Miss February - Jennie from Just a Little Stitch

Miss March - Ceri from Inspired by Felix

and finally ....

Miss April - Jo from A Life in Lists 

Aren't we a great bunch?

Not all of the gals have blogs, but do have fab flickr pages.  Click on the links to view some amazing pics and blogs.

We will be blogging each month about what we've made, as soon as all blocks are posted back to the recipient. 

Watch this space!


  1. Oh to be Brit ... LOL Have fun!!

  2. talk about ROFLMAO! I told you I need bigger buns! Now I'm all Giddy! Lots of love - Ms May!

  3. I need to find a copy of that WI calendar and find out what Ms Sept hid behind. Really hoping it isn't two cherry buns!

  4. Quilting Calendar Girls should really be posing with quilting accessories - you know, a strategically placed sewing machine, cutting board, rotary cutter, fabric stash pile. Just pity the Miss whose month is the transparent 6"x 24" ruler! Have fun ladies!

  5. Such a talented group, I can't wait to see what you create!

  6. Cute post!

    If were doing a quilt inspired calendar, I got dibs on posing with 6 yards of fluffy batting. Since it's your idea Judith I nominate you for the 6x24" ruler :-) I have 2 dinky 5" squares you can have too... just for modesty!!

  7. Hilarious post! sounds like you are going to have lots of fun. :)


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