
Thursday 24 March 2011

Dresden QAL Progress Report!

I was really happy with stage 1: Choosing fabrics & cutting out the blades:

Then came choosing the centre & outer fabrics.  Hmmmm, more difficult:

Too plain!

Too flat!

Not bad, but not quite!
Liking the red centre better, but not the plain background.
So there was nothing else for it - a trip to my local fabric shop was needed:

Aaah! Much better!

Close up of smaller polka dot in red centre.

Close up of patterned duck egg background, lovely!
Yes this is singing much sweeter for me now! 

Next stage is sewing it together.  Will let you know how that goes!!


  1. Looks good! I like how you shared your decision making process! I've not started thinking about background yet, have decided on the centre though. Good luck with the sewing! :)

  2. Fab choice for the background. Coming along beautifully!

  3. Thanks for sharing your process, it is looking great!


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